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Permalink: /fotoweb/archives/5034-Sabah-Sarawak/Sabah/RAFFLESIA/Woman%20with%20Rafflesia%20keithii%20flower%20in%20the%20jungle%20of%20Borneo.jpeg.info

Filename: Woman with Rafflesia keithii flower in the jungle of Borneo.jpeg

File Size: 8503 Kb

Document Type: Image

Last modified: 10/24/2022

Dimensions: 3968 x 2976 px

Resolution: t

Size: t

Color space: RGB

Camera model: BLA-L29

Exposure Time: 1/100 S

Aperture: f/1.000000

ISO speed: 100

Focal length: 3.950000 mm

Flash: No

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